11 January 2010

I loveth when a plan doth come together !

Well there’s been some interesting information on various sights. The first is the script reaction to the Coen’s Remake of True Grit with Jeff Bridges (which I mentioned in an earlier blog) and it’s all good

Speaking of Jeff Bridges, someone with far too much time on there hands has re drafted the Big Lebowski Script in to a Shakespearean play. The Bard doth not abide!! My personal favourite quotes are “That rug, in faith, tied the room together, did it not?” and "I must protest; the Knave minds. This will not stand, this uncheck’d aggression;"


The next bit of news is that the A team Trailer has arrived with a mix of anticipation, happiness and a sense of doom.

Not news but a nice little article which is particularly suited to my Dad and his online rental list is this link. Never hire a DVD by name always check it’s the right one!

And finally, I follow this blog. John August wrote the screenplays for Corpse Bride and Big fish. He regularly gives tips and insight in to how Hollywood really works. Check out his article on how the Oscar Voting system works

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