20 October 2009

Next contestant, Mrs. Sybil Fawlty from Torquay. Specialist subject - the bleeding obvious. - Basil Fawlty in Fawlty Towers

As a Cineworld card holder I pay £13 quid a month and basically get to go to any film, any showing as many times as id like for no extra charge. But not any more ……

Apparently now they have revitalised the 50’s one trick pony (Not Christiano “Sausage boy” Ronaldo) they have deemed that these showcases will cost an additional fee of £1.50. Why? Is it cause of the special 3D glasses? No it’s apparently because it costs them more to show.

Even if I keep my 3D glasses and re-use them I cannot wave this additional tax. Which brings me on to Piracy (Not of the high seas kind) but film downloads. With the sheer number of releases at the cinema and the number of screens everyone is limited to picking a few films a month to watch. Unlike in the earlier days where you would either have less choice as the cinema had only 2 screens or that u got 2 films for the price of one ticket.

Now through multitude of choice and subsequent high cinema ticket and DVD prices many people have chosen to download illegally. There have been many debates – the film industry want ISP providers to monitor internet usage and stop people downloading, personal prosecutions for copyright law and so on.

Well this is my view on the subject

1) Most 3D films are aimed at Children which means for the average family its nearly £30 of entrance fees before you even get to the popcorn stand. Make it cheaper!

2) Stop paying Multimillion pounds to really bad actors – fair enough give them a bonus for winning an Oscar but can any one really say Sienna Miller earned her money for GI Joe or that Nicole Kidman has made a decent film in the last decade.

3) Make less films but of higher quality Hollywood. Lets face it 75% of scripts that get made could have been written in crayon

4) Realise that it’s not ISP providers who should police the Piracy but the film industry. Instead of trying to put your finger in a damn – build a new damn. Re invent the Hollywood platform that is still stuck in the same model that Charlie Chaplin encountered when he stepped off the boat pre Great War

5) Give the right for Cinema viewers to demand a refund if the film was rubbish. Cause there nothing worse than paying money in to see a film and getting to the end only to realise it was pants. (Never ever allow Clive Owen to be a leading Man as this will reduce refunds)

6) We have warning for violence what about warning of artistic ambiguous endings? Nothing is worse than the credits role and you hear a murmur of WTF???

However a knight in shining armour from the film industry has emerged today to say exactly everyone not in the film industry has been saying for year – make it Cheaper!!

Yes Danny Boyle of 28 weeks later and Trainspotting has stated the obvious and told the industry make it cheaper so people can go often.


Lets Hope this is the shot that starts the revolution

Viva La revolution !!

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